We decided to join the Eclipse foundation and to contribute substantial parts of OS.bee as an Eclipse project under the name Open Standard Business Platform (OSBP) . Following the intellectual property (IP) Due Diligence Process, managed by the Eclipse IP Team, organizations can rely on the check results of the Eclipse Foundation.
Open Source Software Factory
OSBP comprises a model-based software factory composed of extensible frameworks, tools and runtime environments for building, deploying and managing business applications across their lifecycles.
Eclipse for business
While delivering the base for numerous business applications, Eclipse is mostly seen as an IDE and technology enabler. Projects such as OSBP will deliver the necessary equipment for developing business solutions in more efficient and faster manner. OSBP closes the gaps in business software engineering, which we identified as a business applications development company.
Part of Eclipse
OSBP has a strong relationship with other Eclipse projects, delivering both the technological basis (IDE, modeling, OSGi), as well as the application functionality (application server, internationalization service, conversions etc.).
Collaboration platform
With OSBP project we want to establish a platform for developers, architects and engineers for creating, designing or developing model-driven business applications. The Eclipse community is asked for input on the existing code base, feature requests for new functionality, and bug requests.