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Efficient software engineering with OS.bee Software Factory


Industrial revolution

Our industrialized approach of delivering software solutions reduces time to market, enhancing software quality at the same time. This is accomplished by moving software development from “craftsmanship” to industrial processes for example by integrating reusable components created by multiple suppliers using a “production line” to automatically and rapidly assemble the final software product.

Unique agile solutions

Apps created with OS.bee combine advantages of individual applications (fits best) with those of standard software (less effort to implement, mature quality). It also supports continuous evolution of applications: you can adapt to new technology or business requirements faster and at any time.

Best practices

We deliver 30 years of experience molded into best practices. Mature standardized methodology in business application development and its correspondent technology produce well-engineered sustainable applications.

Best-in-class technology

Proven technology stack with wide-used open source Eclipse frameworks, Open Standard technology and tools, which can be easily replaced.

Open Standards

OS.bee utilizes Open Standards to guarantee your independency and easily learn the ropes. Become independent of programming languages, specific databases, client platforms, and specific frameworks etc.

Flexible, ergonomic and intuitive UI

Automatically create flexible, ergonomic and intuitive user interfaces without coding for full user satisfaction, relying on our 30 years of experience in building efficient and stunning business applications.

Model driven approach

Model driven development (MDD) allows software engineers to generate code from models using visual tools to design applications, bridging the gap between business and IT. This means shorter projects and faster adoption of changes, resulting in reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) of your applications.

Domain specific modeling (DSM)

OS.bee allows raising the level of abstraction in software engineering and therefore enabling automation in software development. Based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), OS.bee delivers a unique architecture of domain specific languages (DSL).

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