Business logic layer is that part if the application, which manages the communication between an end-user interface and a data layer, determining how data is transformed or calculated and routed to people or software systems. Being able to model business requirements independent from the technical implementation results in highly adaptable applications.
Business processes are the core of every business application. The simplest way to organize the work steps within an application is using menus. More complex solutions require the implementation of business rules and workflows. A business rule can be seen as a constraint on data following a business policy; whereas a workflow consists of the tasks, procedural steps, required input and output information, as well as tools needed for each step of that procedure. OS.bee includes “Business Logic Integration Platform“(BLIP) powered by Drools and jBPM, supporting BPMN 2.0.
Simple yes/no as well as complex decisions can be handled by custom functions stored in a function library, and if requested resulting in actions. Complex decisions can be handled by the business rules engine powered by Drools framework.
The service layer defines a common set of application operations available to many kind of client and it coordinates an application's response in each operation . All services follow the Declarative Service specification and implement the E4 Context Function if related to the UI. Any service can therefore be injected into your customized code to benefit from its functionality, also Web Services are supported. Services comprise I18N support, object metadata , event and message broadcasting, units of measurement, dialog layouting and focusing strategies, and many more.
The Internationalization (i18n) feature of OS.bee allows developers to implement their applications “world-ready" using I18N generator and translation services. It’s based on TapiJI for building multilingual applications. It also delivers built-in capabilities to get your app simply localized, such as conversions.