Authentication is the process of identity verification. To do so, a user needs to provide some sort of proof of identity that an OS.bee application understands and trusts. The details of the authentication requirement may vary from one application to another, but they all have one thing in common - the application must display some kind of login/password dialog and does not allow use of any resources/windows/dialogs until authentication succeeds.

Login dialog is provided to authenticate application users.
User experience
Use remember-me, forgot-password, register and auto-sign-on features and create own workflows for them.
Single sign-on
Use single-sign-on on multiple platforms.
Track user activity with automatically created log files based on the authentication requests received from access servers.
Data protection
Store passwords & cookies protected by encryption.
Prevent risks
Be protected against Rapid Fire Attacks, Denial of Service, Cookie Fraud, SQL Injection and cryptographic hacks.
Pluggable data sources
Authenticate users via LDAP, JDBC, Active Directory or Kerberos.
Security level
Optionally disable remember-me and auto-sign-on features.
Administration support
Use simple workflows to register huge amounts of new users.