Sophisticated appearance and ergonomics of forms are implemented for an incomparable user experience: you dialog layout auto-adapts to specific contexts, user privileges or other data. OS.bee has put focus on dialogs as they once of the most used user interfaces. You can define them once & (re)use them in a flexible way.
Allow entering, displaying and retrieving information from users.
Determine the visibility of a component either by processing data, or states of other components.
In-place editing
Place dialogs in separate parts of perspective or embed in tables (grid).
Place toolbars or actions following rules.
Display useful tooltips, notification and alert messages.
Unique ability
Dialog builds the bridge for UI component models between different worlds:
- link UI component models as views in parts of perspectives inside the E4 application model
- integrate UI components inside the handler and command structure of E4
Use toolbars to interact with components or the underlying DTO.
Embed UI models into other UI elements such as menus.
Desktop or mobile
Utilize the generic definition of UI components to work best within a desktop web application or for mobile use.
Define & layout UI components manually or using layout strategy & autowire features.